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safe departure造句

"safe departure"是什么意思  
  • During its 1998 deployment, the 11th MEU conducted Operation Safe Departure.
  • ALIPAC has also called for " safe departure " border checkpoints, free of criminal checks.
  • With both hands clasped close to her chest, she silently prayed for her safe departure.
  • Then the weather closed in : poor visibility preventing safe departure on the next tide.
  • After the timer expires the back-away maneuver will initiate a safe departure from the asteroid.
  • White House officials said Aristide left willingly and that the United States aided his safe departure.
  • Later, in June 1998, they executed a non-combatant evacuation operation, Operation Safe Departure in Eritrea, Africa.
  • An animal's safe departure and arrival depend on a variety of uncontrollable events and human decisions.
  • "We plan to use all necessary means to get Wang Bingzhang's safe departure from the mainland ."
  • Foley said the United States had responded to Aristide's request to ensure his " safe departure ."
  • It's difficult to see safe departure in a sentence. 用safe departure造句挺难的
  • White House officials said Monday that Aristide left willingly and that the United States aided his safe departure.
  • Abbas captured several fortresses, including Cefal?in 857, whose population was allowed safe departure and which was then razed.
  • Tanzanian authorities had been very clear in demanding to see orderly, safe departure by the end of the year.
  • The Ottomans then advanced to the southwest, where the forts of Souda ), likewise capitulated in exchange for safe departure.
  • The RK-21-8 payload was jettisoned by Surayev 33 minutes into the EVA on a safe departure trajectory from the Space Station.
  • The defenders were well treated by Totila, and the Byzantine garrison was allowed safe departure, but the city walls were partly razed.
  • The official said arrangements could be made for the United States to ensure Aristide's safe departure if he chooses to step down.
  • Russian Baltic fleet officers had made an agreement with the Germans allowing a safe departure for the warships and disarming the fortress.
  • U . S . officials denied the charge and said Aristide left willingly and that the United States aided his safe departure.
  • But U . S . officials denied the charge, saying that Aristide left Haiti willingly with the United States aiding his safe departure.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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